Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Activity on 4/14/08

The activity on 4/14/08 was about wind currents and how they affected agriculture and how the affected the ocean currents.
The ocean currents are changed because of the wind currents that change the surface water's direction of flow.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Activity #4

Today we saw that different types of substances can change temperature by the amount of light hitting it and the substances makeup. Both the amount of light and the substances makeup changed how much energy it can absorb and release as heat.
Everything that was in a bottle without a white out top got hotter a lot quicker than the same thing with a whited out top. This is because light is a primary source of energy, and as energy is absorbed, heat is released as a bi-product.
Water was the substance that absorbed the most energy and had the highest output in heat when uncovered. Dirt came in second and road salt came third. When covered, the dirt came first, water came second and road salt third.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

La Niña

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, studies have shown that the temperature from La Niña has decreased since December 1997

December 1997 December 2000
El Niño (December 1997)(March 2002)SST anomalies (°C)
Sea temperature anomalies in Celsius

The La Nina is the opposite of El Nino. El Nino is to lower the surface temperature of a the sea, compares to La Nina which is suppose to raise the temperature of the sea's water. But lately when La Nina appears, the temperature has been declining.
